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5 Types of Commercial HVAC Problems

Commercial HVAC

As a business owner, you want your commercial HVAC system to work efficiently to keep your employees and customers comfortable. However, various problems may arise with your HVAC unit, leading to increased energy bills, inefficient cooling or heating, and poor air quality.

1. Poor Air Flow

One of the most common commercial HVAC problems is poor airflow. It occurs when there's an obstruction in the ductwork, dirt or debris in the air filter, or a failing blower motor. Poor airflow affects indoor air quality, causes discomfort, and increases the wear and tear of your HVAC system. To fix this problem:

  • Inspect your air filters.
  • Change them every three months, especially during peak seasons.
  • Regularly clean the condenser coils and ensure the outdoor unit is debris-free.

2. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks refer to the loss of refrigerant fluid from your system. These leaks result in low cooling or heating performance and increased utility bills. Common causes of refrigerant leaks include frozen evaporator coils, damaged or old refrigerant tubing, and loose fittings. To detect refrigerant leaks, watch out for signs such as hissing sounds from the HVAC unit, ice formation on the evaporator coils, and warm or humid air blowing out of the vents. In case of leaks, have a professional repair or replace the affected parts.

3. Electrical Issues

Commercial HVAC systems have complex electrical components that help them function properly. These components can cause electrical issues such as tripped circuit breakers, short circuits, and power surges when these components fail. Electrical problems often result from poor wiring, overheating, or corroded contacts. They can lead to fires, damage to the HVAC unit, and reduced energy efficiency. To prevent electrical issues, schedule regular maintenance checks with a professional technician. They can inspect and repair any faulty electrical components.

4. Thermostat Malfunction

The thermostat is the control center of your HVAC system. A faulty thermostat can cause incorrect temperature readings, failure to turn on or off, and reduced energy efficiency. Common causes of thermostat malfunction include dead batteries, dirty sensors, and wiring problems. To prevent this problem, regularly check your thermostat settings and replace the batteries. Also, keep the area around the thermostat clean to avoid dirt or dust buildup.

5. Aging Equipment

Commercial HVAC systems have an estimated lifespan of 15-20 years. As your unit ages, it becomes inefficient, increasing energy bills and frequent breakdowns. Aging HVAC equipment may also emit strange noises, have worn-out parts, and require frequent repairs. To avoid this problem, regularly schedule maintenance checks and consider replacing your unit when it's nearing the end of its lifespan.

Commercial HVAC in Southern New York

At C.R. Wolfe Heating Corporation, we offer comprehensive commercial HVAC quality services to help you create a healthier and more comfortable working environment for your business. Contact us today at (845) 609-0423 to learn more about our services!

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